'The primary distinction of the artist is that he must actively cultivate that state which most men, necessarily, must avoid: the state of being alone.'
                                        — James Baldwin

When I write, I write alone. All writers do. It’s a prerequisite of the trade. My characters and my stories live in my head. It’s a big place, lots of crazy stuff going on in there I know, but it’s only big enough for one. The idea of writing one of my own stories as part of a collective project is a rather strange concept for me.

I try to be open to new opportunities and new ways to learn and improve my writing skills. With this in mind, I have decided to do NaNoWriMo this year. While I have never done it before, I’ve heard it’s a good exercise to get the writing juices flowing. Seeing as how I haven’t been as productive as I’d like to be lately, I thought it might be just the thing to motivate me to keep my fingers on the keys. (Not to mention it seems a good place to get connected with a writing community in my area.)

If you’ve done it, you already know more than me. If you haven’t, then here is the link to the site and you can learn all about it there:


I think I need a break from my 'Seven Circles of Heil' story. I suspect a month away from it might be just the thing to rejuvenate my efforts at finishing it. While progress is still crawling along, I’ve realized that I’m just getting sick of it. Not the story mind you, but looking at it day in and day out. I’ve gotten to the point of editing where I’m doing it almost line by line, tying up all threads, item by item. It’s got to be done, but it’s tedious. It might be nice to step back for a few weeks and come December, see it with “Fresh Eyes,” so to speak.

 Then again maybe this is just another well camouflaged act of avoidance. 

Either way I’m excited about starting NaNo.

Anyone out there ever done it? How did it work out for you? What did you take away from it when it was over? Let me know if you would, I’m really interested.

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