'If you write one story, it may be bad; if you write a hundred, you have the odds in your favor.' 
                        - Edgar Rice Burroughs

Coming from a man who explored Mars long before mankind ever made it there,  I have to believe he knew a little something. While I read a few of his books as a much younger me, I have to say I never got hooked on his stories. However I must give credit where credit is due, and the man could tell a story. He had vivid imagery, excellent pace, and gripping ideas. Imagination like his is legendary for a reason.

There are many authors I admire, most for style more than individual stories. I tend to measure my writing against theirs and strive to emulate the qualities I admire most in their work. I don't want to write like them, but I want to learn how to do what they do, or did. I want to perfect my prose so to speak. I want to learn to pace my stories perfectly; craft my dialogue seamlessly; make my settings so real the reader tastes the honey in the tea the protagonist is drinking or smells the sweat of the horse he's riding on. I want to master the skills to tell the best story I can. I'll never reach the level of craft I strive for if I don't keep writing new stories and exploring new ideas.

My second novel is in the works. It's also a fantasy novel. A bit more mature than the first. A bit more complex as well I suspect. It's about 90% complete and weighing in around 77,000 words in its current condition. I still have a few scenes to work out, but I can see the entire story in my mind and it's slowly seeping out onto the pages.

I'm excited about this one. I'm looking forward to completing it, even though that
means taking it out in the yard and shooting it.

        Today I finished my final pass through my first Fantasy novel. As of yet it is untitled. Despite personal bias, I believe it to be quite good. It represents a massive chunk of my life and finishing it has been a major accomplishment. The only problem is, I know it's not truly finished. In a way this is only its beginning. Writing it seems was the easy part. Now the truly difficult job begins: Getting it published.

While I was writing my majestic, if not epic novel, I spent a good deal of time looking ahead and researching the next step. To be honest it’s rather intimidating, all the things that I still need to do. I sometimes question how anyone ever gets published.

I am not letting this stop me though. No matter how daunting the road ahead appears, I fully intend to travel it. That being said, I have devised something of a roadmap, or trip plan. A check list of the steps I believe will carry me to my destination. While I have put a great deal of time and effort into compiling this list/map, I have never been to this destination before. This probably means that my map is a bit askew. No matter though, I fully intend to proceed. Hopefully I will meet helpful people along the way who HAVE been there and who are willing to help me find the way.

Here I intend to share that journey and any insight I might gain along the way.