Today I finished my final pass through my first Fantasy novel. As of yet it is untitled. Despite personal bias, I believe it to be quite good. It represents a massive chunk of my life and finishing it has been a major accomplishment. The only problem is, I know it's not truly finished. In a way this is only its beginning. Writing it seems was the easy part. Now the truly difficult job begins: Getting it published.

While I was writing my majestic, if not epic novel, I spent a good deal of time looking ahead and researching the next step. To be honest it’s rather intimidating, all the things that I still need to do. I sometimes question how anyone ever gets published.

I am not letting this stop me though. No matter how daunting the road ahead appears, I fully intend to travel it. That being said, I have devised something of a roadmap, or trip plan. A check list of the steps I believe will carry me to my destination. While I have put a great deal of time and effort into compiling this list/map, I have never been to this destination before. This probably means that my map is a bit askew. No matter though, I fully intend to proceed. Hopefully I will meet helpful people along the way who HAVE been there and who are willing to help me find the way.

Here I intend to share that journey and any insight I might gain along the way.

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